Why Jayuya, Puerto Rico?
The Need of Garden of Eden Health Center
The Medical Underserved Community of the county of Jayuya had a population of 15,605 according to the 2010 census, with the July 2017 estimate of 14,625, with 2,703 population within the municipality of Jayuya. The population is declining, as well as aging, with the average age being 35.8, up from 32.5 during the 2000 census. The largest group with insurance coverage is the group 6-17, with Medicaid being the primary insurance. Approximately 6% of the population is under age 5, and approximately 12% are over age 65. Over 25% of the population are living with a disability, and less than 12% of individuals over age 65 received a flu shot during 2014-15 flu season. (reference: 2015 Puerto Rico Primary Care Needs Assessment)
The Setting
Jayuya is an Ideal location for the Health Center with its natural resources and an environment that is tranquil, restful and enriching for the mind, body and soul.

The Culture
Jayuya has a multitude of cultural resources and activities that are ideal for attracting visitors and tourists in need of short-term visits for therapy, rest, and care.
The Location
Jayuya is in the heart of rural communities in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is near the United States and Jayuya is easily accessible from San Juan airport.

Health Sector “On the Edge” After the Passage of Maria.
Shortage of doctors in Puerto Rico causes alarm. Some medical specialties are no longer available on the island, and patient access to medical attention is increasingly difficult with a small number of doctors El DIA newsletter Monday, July 23, 2018.
Insufficient primary care health services are available in the county (references: datausa.io/profile/geo, 2015 Puerto Rico Primary Care Needs Assessment). The impact of Hurricane Maria on September 20, 2017 has aggravated the medical needs of the community. The rate of poverty (59.8%) in the community is higher compared to Puerto Rico as a whole (46%); this further complicates the ability of individuals to seek health care at a distance. The steep mountainous terrain contributes to hazards in seeking healthcare outside of the local community area.
The Garden of Eden Healthcare Center would help fill the obvious gap in available healthcare services for this rural population. Working with partners and network members, basic healthcare needs and education would be provided to the community. This could include vaccinations, including flu shots for elderly as well as childhood vaccinations. Additional general first-aid, pharmacy, and basic primary care services would be planned to be provided. Education on hygiene, sexual transmitted diseases, and whole person health concepts would be provided to targeted groups, and as needed, individual consultations. Contractual agreements with physicians and mid-level providers to provide clinical services at the Healthcare Center would be the mechanism for direct clinical care, as aspects of the educational programs.
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